International Survey on barriers to CE implementation

International Survey on barriers to CE implementation

CircularB Action aims to develop a common international framework for a circularity rating tool with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on current best practices of CE construction. We are determined to establish a stakeholder platform for interdisciplinary dialogue among key players, including academia, industry, suppliers, governmental bodies and local authorities, construction professionals, and the general public.

On this ground, we wish to cordially invite you all, either CircularB members or anyone who is a CE stakeholder, to take part in this international survey here.

This survey aims to obtain new insights into the technological, economic, cultural-societal, and regulatory barriers to CE implementation within your domain. The survey can be completed within 20 minutes.

We appreciate your participation in this survey. Please feel free to communicate with anyone who might be interested in completing this survey. In addition, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information and collaboration.

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