Working Group 4

Working Group 4


Dissemination and results communication

This WG will ensure the maximisation of the Action’s impact via various dissemination, communication, and outreach activities as well as identify opportunities to enlarge the Action’s network and communicate with other networks and stakeholders.
  • T4.1. Identification of communication, dissemination and networking strategy;
  • T4.2. Creating and managing the CircularB Action web page and social media channels as well as creating a bi annual content for the Action’s newsletter and ensuring communication to share the Action news and announce activities as well as disseminate the outcomes;
  • T4.3. Creating and managing the online learning platform for circular application and best practices based on WG1 inputs;
  • T4.4. Identifying opportunities for communication and networking through conferences, international meetings and events, and opportunities for scientific and technical papers publication, etc.;
  • T4.5. Coordinating and organising the Action’s activities: communication and outreach, training schools and workshops as well as ensuring active participation of all stakeholders and partners;
  • T4.6. Organising and managing the MC and the WGs’ meetings and facilitating transdisciplinary and participatory dialogues among partners as well as interactive communication among stakeholders;
  • T4.7. Organising and managing information exchange between the WGs;
  • T4.8. Coordinating the publications’ preparation and dissemination content in collaboration with WGs.
  • T4.9. Planning and organising the mid-term and closing events of the Action which include international conferences, participatory workshopsand interactive round tables;
  • T4.10. Preparing annual reports based on WGs’ progress reports.