Ana Trombeva Gavriloska

Ana Trombeva Gavriloska

MC Member
MC Members
Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
North Macedonia
Working Groups: WG1, WG4
Scientific Expertise
Construction engineering
Scientific Background
My scientific background focuses on the assessment of strengthening of existing RC elements by using composite materials, use of composite materials in sandwich panels as light weight components of bearing construction, as well as energy performance of buildings as a part of urban built environment. Furthermore, during the last five years I have participated in research project HORIZON 2020 witch aim was to support the transformation of historic city centers afflicted by physical decay into sustainable districts through shared generation of new sustainable environmental and economic processes.
During my career as a professor of the Faculty of Architecture I realized that the cooperation between architects and civil engineers in order of knowledge exchange, cooperation and communication is urgent to adopt specific approaches for the reuse of the existing buildings, in order to convert their existing purpose in new purpose in the phase of design of the Master plan of the city. Furthermore, in the phase of design keeping in mind the built environment and the life cycle of the existing strictures, we must consider their reuse by avoiding their demolition and increasing their energy performance.
WG1: to develop the state of the art regarding use of new materials in order to improve bearing capacity of the existing structures, identifying new strategies for reuse of existing structures by converting their existing purpose in new one which will minimize their impact on built environment. WG4: Availability to contribute in joint work and publications, as well as exchange of students.